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30 Planets Vocabulary with Hindi Meanings

The cosmos is a realm of wonder and mystery, with planets serving as celestial gems in the night sky. Understanding the vocabulary associated with these celestial bodies, along with their Hindi meanings, can deepen our appreciation of the universe. In this blog post, we will embark on a cosmic journey, exploring a comprehensive range of terms related to planets, their characteristics, and their names in Hindi.

Planets Vocabulary List-

30 Planets Vocabulary with Hindi Meanings

1.Planet (ग्रह): A celestial body that orbits a star, like the sun.

2. Earth (पृथ्वी): The third planet from the sun, our home.

3. Mars (मंगल): The fourth planet from the sun, known as the “Red Planet.”

4. Venus (शुक्र): The second planet from the sun, known for its intense heat.

5. Jupiter (गुरु): The largest planet in our solar system.

6. Saturn (शनि): Known for its stunning rings, the sixth planet from the sun.

7. Uranus (अरुण): The seventh planet from the sun with a unique tilt.

8. Neptune (वरुण): The eighth and farthest planet from the sun.

9. Mercury (बुध): The closest planet to the sun.

10. Pluto (यम): A dwarf planet in our solar system.

Characteristics (विशेषताएँ):

  1. Orbit (कक्षा): The path a planet takes around a star.
  2. Atmosphere (वायुमंडल): The layer of gases surrounding a planet.
  3. Satellite (उपग्रह): A natural or artificial body that orbits a planet.
  4. Crater (क्रेटर): A bowl-shaped depression on a planet’s surface.
  5. Asteroid (उपग्रहीय ग्रह): Small rocky objects that orbit the sun.
  6. Comet (धूमकेतु): A celestial body made of ice, dust, and gas.

Solar System (सौरमंडल):

  1. Sun (सूर्य): The star at the center of our solar system.
  2. Moon (चांद): Earth’s natural satellite.
  3. Eclipse (ग्रहण): When one celestial body passes in front of another.
  4. Galaxy (ब्रह्मांड): Vast systems of stars, gas, and dust.
  5. Orbital Period (कक्षीय कालवादी): The time a planet takes to orbit the sun.
See also  Hospital Vocabulary and Their Hindi Meanings

Exploration (अन्वेषण):

  1. Spacecraft (अंतरिक्ष यान): Vehicles designed for space travel.
  2. Telescope (दूरदर्शन): An instrument for observing distant objects.
  3. Astronaut (अंतरिक्ष यात्री): A person trained for space travel.
  4. Planetarium (ग्रहार्य): A facility for observing celestial objects.

Missions (मिशन):

  1. Mars Rover (मंगल रोवर): Robotic vehicles exploring Mars.
  2. Cassini-Huygens (कैसिनी-हाइगन्स): A mission to study Saturn and its moons.
  3. Voyager (वॉयेजर): Probes sent to explore outer planets and beyond.
  4. Apollo (अपोलो): A series of missions that landed humans on the moon.
  5. New Horizons (न्यू होराइजंस): A mission to explore Pluto and the Kuiper Belt.

Understanding these planet-related terms and their Hindi meanings enriches our knowledge of the cosmos and our place within it. Whether you’re an astronomy enthusiast, a student of space science, or simply a stargazer, this comprehensive vocabulary list will serve as your guide to the awe-inspiring world of planets and celestial wonders.

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