Simple Present Tense Interrogative Sentences-The simple present tense is one of the most fundamental tenses in English, used to express habitual actions, general truths, and ongoing situations. Interrogative sentences in the simple present tense are used to ask questions about these regular activities or facts. Forming these questions correctly is essential for clear communication. Let’s explore how to construct interrogative sentences in the simple present tense.
Forming Interrogative Sentences in Simple Present Tense
To form a question in the simple present tense, you typically use the auxiliary verbs “do” or “does”. Here’s the basic structure:
- Do/Does + Subject + Base Form of Verb + ?
- “Do” is used with I, you, we, and they.
- “Does” is used with he, she, and it.
20 Simple Present Tense Interrogative Sentences Example
S. No | Example | Translation |
1 | क्या मैं हर दिन दौड़ता हूँ? | Do I run every day? |
2 | क्या वह किताबें पढ़ती है? | Does she read books? |
3 | क्या हम चाय पीते हैं? | Do we drink tea? |
4 | क्या बच्चे स्कूल जाते हैं? | Do the children go to school? |
5 | क्या मुझे संगीत पसंद है? | Do I like music? |
6 | क्या वे फिल्में देखते हैं? | Do they watch movies? |
7 | क्या पानी उबालता है? | Does water boil? |
8 | क्या सूरज चमकता है? | Does the sun shine? |
9 | क्या मैं योग करता हूँ? | Do I do yoga? |
10 | क्या वह अच्छा गाता है? | Does he sing well? |
11 | क्या हम किताबें पढ़ते हैं? | Do we read books? |
12 | क्या कुत्ते भौंकते हैं? | Do dogs bark? |
13 | क्या वह हर शाम सैर पर जाता है? | Does he go for a walk every evening? |
14 | क्या माँ खाना बनाती है? | Does mom cook food? |
15 | क्या बाग में फूल खिलते हैं? | Do flowers bloom in the garden? |
16 | क्या मैं हर रविवार को पेंटिंग करता हूँ? | Do I paint every Sunday? |
17 | क्या वे रोज सुबह जल्दी उठते हैं? | Do they wake up early every morning? |
18 | क्या ताजमहल आगरा में है? | Is the Taj Mahal in Agra? |
19 | क्या हम पार्क में खेलते हैं? | Do we play in the park? |
20 | क्या साल में 12 महीने होते हैं? | Are there 12 months in a year? |