Spoken English Pathshala

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Tenses are the temporal architects of language, allowing us to express actions and events in relation to time. They enable us to communicate the past, present, and future with precision. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore tenses, their types, functions, and usage in both the English and Hindi languages. We’ll provide examples in both languages to illustrate their usage and offer a comprehensive understanding.

Tenses - Class-10

Tense Definition (काल की परिभाषा):

Tense is a grammatical category that indicates the time an action or state of being occurs. It allows us to express whether an event happened in the past, is happening in the present, or will happen in the future.

Types of Tenses (काल के प्रकार):

  1. Present Tense (वर्तमान काल):
    • The present tense is used to describe actions or states happening at the current moment or habitual actions.
    • Example (उदाहरण):
      • English: “She works hard every day.”
      • Hindi: “वह हर दिन मेहनत करती है।”
  2. Past Tense (भूतकाल):
    • The past tense is used to narrate actions or states that have already occurred.
    • Example (उदाहरण):
      • English: “They visited the museum yesterday.”
      • Hindi: “कल उन्होंने संग्रहालय की यात्रा की।”
  3. Future Tense (भविष्य काल):
    • The future tense is used to express actions or states that will happen in the future.
    • Example (उदाहरण):
      • English: “I will travel to India next month.”
      • Hindi: “मैं अगले महीने भारत यात्रा करूँगा।”
  4. Present Continuous Tense (वर्तमान प्रवृत्त काल):
    • The present continuous tense describes actions happening at the present moment or ongoing actions.
    • Example (उदाहरण):
      • English: “He is studying for his exams.”
      • Hindi: “वह अपनी परीक्षा के लिए पढ़ रहा है।”
  5. Past Continuous Tense (भूतकाल प्रवृत्त काल):
    • The past continuous tense is used to portray actions that were ongoing in the past.
    • Example (उदाहरण):
      • English: “She was working when the phone rang.”
      • Hindi: “जब फ़ोन बजा, तो वह काम कर रही थी।”
See also  Simple Present Tense in Hindi

6. Future Continuous Tense (भविष्य काल प्रवृत्त काल):

The Future Continuous Tense is used to describe actions that will be ongoing at a specific point in the future. It emphasizes the duration of an action and that it will continue beyond a particular moment or until another action occurs.


  • In English, it is formed using the future auxiliary verb “will” (or “shall” in some cases), the base form of the main verb, and the present participle “-ing” form.
  • In Hindi, it is often formed using the verb root, the future marker “गा/गी/गे,” and the present participle form.

Examples (उदाहरण):

  • English: “At 8 PM tomorrow, I will be studying for my exams.”
    • Hindi: “कल शाम 8 बजे, मैं अपनी परीक्षा के लिए पढ़ रहा होऊँगा।”
  • English: “They will be traveling to the beach next weekend.”
    • Hindi: “वे अगले सप्ताह समुंदर किनारे यात्रा कर रहे होंगे।”

7. Present Perfect Tense (वर्तमान पूर्ण काल):

The present perfect tense is used to describe actions or events that happened at an unspecified time in the past and have relevance to the present. It connects the past and the present.

Examples (उदाहरण):

  • English: “She has already eaten dinner.”
    • Hindi: “उसने खाना पहले ही खा लिया है।”

8. Past Perfect Tense (पूर्ण भूतकाल):

The past perfect tense is employed to describe actions or events that were completed before another point in the past. It emphasizes the sequence of events.

Examples (उदाहरण):

  • English: “I had finished my homework before watching TV.”
    • Hindi: “मैंने टीवी देखने से पहले अपने होमवर्क को पूरा कर लिया था।”
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9. Future Perfect Tense (पूर्ण भविष्य काल):

The future perfect tense is used to describe actions that will be completed before a specific point in the future. It emphasizes the completion of an action in relation to another future event.

Examples (उदाहरण):

  • English: “By the time you arrive, I will have already left.”
    • Hindi: “तुम पहुंचने के समay, मैं पहले ही चला जाऊंगा।”

Tenses in Sentence Structure

Tenses play pivotal roles in sentences:

  1. Expressing Time: Tenses help us convey when an action occurred, is occurring, or will occur.
    • Example (उदाहरण):
      • English: “They will arrive tomorrow.”
      • Hindi: “वे कल आएंगे।”
  2. Describing Actions: Tenses allow us to narrate stories, events, and daily activities with temporal accuracy.
    • Example (उदाहरण):
      • English: “I visited Paris last summer.”
      • Hindi: “मैंने पिछले गर्मियों में पेरिस की यात्रा की।”
  3. Providing Context: Tenses offer context to a sentence, ensuring that the sequence of events is clear.
    • Example (उदाहरण):
      • English: “She had already finished the book when the movie started.”
      • Hindi: “जब फ़िल्म शुरू हुई, तो उसने पहले ही पुस्तक पूरी कर ली थी।”

Tenses are the temporal scaffolding that supports our communication, enabling us to navigate the timeline of events with precision. By understanding the concept of tenses and their various types and functions, individuals can express thoughts and ideas effectively in both English and Hindi, as well as in any other language. Tenses empower us to craft time-sensitive, context-rich, and well-structured sentences, making them an indispensable aspect of language and communication.

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