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8 English Parts of Speech- Understanding the Building Blocks of Language:2023

Parts of Speech-Language is a versatile tool that empowers us to express thoughts, ideas, and emotions. To wield this tool effectively, it’s crucial to understand its fundamental components. In English, these building blocks are called “parts of speech.” In this blog, we will delve into the eight parts of speech, offering examples and sentences to illustrate their usage, along with Hindi translations for clarity.

8 English Parts of Speech- List

8 English Parts of Speech-  Understanding the Building Blocks of Language:2023
  1. Noun (संज्ञा): Nouns are the bedrock of language, representing people, places, objects, or abstract concepts. They are essential for constructing sentences. Here are some examples:
  • English: cat, city, love, book Hindi: बिल्ली, शहर, प्यार, किताब

Example Sentences:

  • The cat is sleeping on the couch. (बिल्ली सो रही है।)
  • I left my keys in the car. (मैंने अपनी चाबियाँ कार में छोड़ दी।)

2. Pronoun (सर्वनाम): Pronouns are employed to replace nouns and prevent redundancy. They streamline language and encompass words such as “he,” “she,” “it,” “they,” and “I.”

Example Sentences:

  • She is going to the market. (वह बाजार जा रही है।)
  • They will meet us at the park. (वे हमसे पार्क में मिल
  1. Verb (क्रिया): Verbs are the action words of a sentence. They express what the subject is doing or the state it is in. Verbs are essential for conveying actions and events.
    • English: run, eat, sing, write
    • Hindi: दौड़ना, खाना, गाना, लिखना

Example Sentences:

  • She likes to sing in the choir. (वह कोरस में गाने का शौक रखती है।)
  • They write beautiful poetry. (वे खूबसुरत कविता लिखते हैं।)
  1. Adjective (विशेषण): Adjectives modify nouns by providing additional information about their qualities, characteristics, or attributes. They add depth and description to the nouns they modify.
    • English: tall, blue, delicious, happy
    • Hindi: ऊंचा, नीला, स्वादिष्ट, खुश
See also  Prepositions- Class-6

Example Sentences:

  • The tall man greeted us with a smile. (ऊंचा आदमी हमें मुस्कराहट के साथ स्वागत किया।)
  • She made a delicious chocolate cake. (उसने स्वादिष्ट चॉकलेट केक बनाया।)
  1. Adverb (क्रिया विशेषण): Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. They answer questions such as “how,” “when,” “where,” and “to what extent,” providing details and context to sentences.
    • English: quickly, now, very, often
    • Hindi: तेज़ी से, अब, बहुत, अक्सर

Example Sentences:

  • She quickly completed her homework. (उसने अपने होमवर्क को तेज़ी से पूरा किया।)
  • We should go to the store now. (हमें अब अब दुकान जानी चाहिए।)

These parts of speech are the fundamental building blocks of the English language. Understanding their roles and usage is vital for effective communication and clarity in your writing and speaking.

  1. Preposition (समर्थक): Prepositions are words that establish a relationship between nouns, pronouns, or phrases and other words in a sentence. They provide context regarding location, direction, time, and more.
    • English: in, on, under, between, with
    • Hindi: में, पर, के नीचे, के बीच, के साथ

Example Sentences:

  • The keys are under the pillow. (कुंजी के नीचे बिल्लो में है।)
  • She lives in a small town. (वह एक छोटे शहर में रहती है।)
  1. Conjunction (संयोजक): Conjunctions are used to connect words, phrases, or clauses within a sentence. They help to link ideas and create cohesive and flowing sentences.
    • English: and, but, because, if, although
    • Hindi: और, पर, क्योंकि, अगर, यद्यपि

Example Sentences:

  • She wants to go to the beach and the mountains. (वह समुंदर किनारे और पहाड़ों पर जाना चाहती है।)
  • He couldn’t attend the party because he was sick. (उसने पार्टी में भाग नहीं लिया क्योंकि वह बीमार था।)
  1. Interjection (विस्मयसूचक): Interjections are words or phrases used to express strong emotions, sudden exclamations, or sentiments. They add an emotional element to language.
    • English: wow, oh, ouch, hurray
    • Hindi: वाह, अरे, आउच, हुर्रे
See also  Common Noun

Example Sentences:

  • Wow, that was an incredible performance! (वाह, वो एक अद्भुत प्रस्तुति थी!)
  • Ouch, I stubbed my toe! (आउच, मेरा पैर का अंगूठा मैंने मार लिया!)

Understanding these eight parts of speech is essential for mastering the English language. They are the tools that help you construct meaningful and well-structured sentences, making your communication more effective and clear.

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