Spoken English Pathshala

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Active and passive voice- Class-13

Active and passive voice are fundamental concepts in English grammar, and they play a crucial role in how we structure sentences. Understanding these voices is essential for effective communication, whether you’re writing an essay, a report, or simply trying to convey a message. In this extensive 1000-word guide, we will delve deep into active and passive voice, providing comprehensive explanations and numerous examples in both English and Hindi. By the end, you will have a thorough understanding of these voices and how to use them effectively.

ऍक्टिव और पैसिव वॉयस अंग्रेजी व्याकरण में मौलिक अवधारणाएँ हैं, और ये वाक्यों को कैसे संरचित करते हैं, इसमें महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते हैं। इन वॉयसेस को समझना व्यावसायिक संवाद के लिए महत्त्वपूर्ण है, चाहे आप निबंध लिख रहे हों, रिपोर्ट बना रहे हों, या सिर्फ संदेश साझा करने का प्रयास कर रहे हों। इस विस्तृत 1000-शब्दों के गाइड में, हम ऍक्टिव और पैसिव वॉयस में गहराई से प्रवेश करेंगे, व्याख्यान और उदाहरणों के माध्यम से व्यापक जानकारी प्रदान करेंगे, जो कि अंग्रेजी और हिंदी दोनों भाषाओं में होंगे। अंत में, आपको इन वॉयसेस को समझने और उन्हें प्रभावी ढंग से प्रयोग करने का व्यापक ज्ञान होगा।’

Active and passive voice

Active Voice (सक्रिय प्रयोग)

Definition of Active Voice:

In active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action, and the object receives the action. It is the most straightforward and commonly used way of expressing an action.

Structure of Active Voice: Subject + Verb + Object

Examples in English and Hindi:

  1. She (Subject) wrote (Verb) a letter (Object).
    • English: In this sentence, “She” is the doer of the action, which is writing a letter.
    • Hindi: इस वाक्य में “वह” क्रिया का कर्ता है, जो पत्र लिखना है।
  2. They (Subject) are painting (Verb) the house (Object).
    • English: Here, “They” are actively engaged in the action of painting the house.
    • Hindi: यहां, “वे” घर को पैंट कर रहे हैं।
See also  Prepositions- Class-6

Passive Voice (असक्रिय प्रयोग)

Definition of Passive Voice:

In passive voice, the object of the action becomes the subject of the sentence, and the doer (agent) of the action may be mentioned or omitted. Passive voice is often used to emphasize the receiver of the action rather than the doer.

Structure of Passive Voice: Object + “to be” Verb + Past Participle + (By Agent)

Examples in English and Hindi:

  1. A letter (Object) was written (Passive Verb) by her (Agent).
    • English: In this passive sentence, the focus is on the letter being written, not on the person who wrote it.
    • Hindi: इस पैसिव वाक्य में, ध्यान पत्र के लिखे जाने पर है, और नहीं उस व्यक्ति पर जो ने यह काम किया।
  2. The house (Object) is being painted (Passive Verb).
    • English: In the passive voice, the house is the focus, not the people doing the painting.
    • Hindi: पैसिव वाक्य में, घर को पैंट किया जा रहा है, न करने वाले लोगों पर ध्यान केंद्रित है।

Active vs. Passive Voice

When to Use Active Voice:

  • Active voice is often more direct and straightforward.
  • It is suitable when the focus should be on the doer of the action.
  • It is the standard choice for clear and concise communication.

When to Use Passive Voice:

  • Passive voice can be used when the focus is on the action or the object receiving the action.
  • It is employed when the doer of the action is unknown, irrelevant, or intentionally omitted.
  • Passive voice is often chosen when the speaker wants to de-emphasize the doer and highlight the receiver of the action.
See also  Proper Noun

Advantages of Active and Passive Voice:

Active Voice:

  • Emphasizes the doer of the action.
  • Often leads to more concise and direct sentences.
  • Provides clarity and immediacy.

Passive Voice:

  • Highlights the action or the receiver of the action.
  • Allows for the omission of the agent when necessary.
  • Creates variety in sentence structure.

Using Active and Passive Voice Effectively:

  1. Clarity of Message: Consider which voice will convey your message most clearly. If the focus is on the doer of the action, choose active voice. If it’s on the action or the receiver, consider passive voice.
  2. Emphasis: Think about what you want to emphasize in your sentence. Active voice emphasizes the doer, while passive voice emphasizes the action or the receiver.
  3. Variety: Using both active and passive voice in your writing can make it more engaging and diverse.

Common Misconceptions:

  • Passive voice is always wordy: While passive voice can be wordier in some cases, it’s not inherently so. Properly constructed passive sentences can be concise and effective.
  • Active voice is always better: Active voice is often preferred, but passive voice has its uses, especially in specific contexts.

Understanding active and passive voice is essential for effective communication in both English and Hindi. Each voice has its role in emphasizing different aspects of a sentence. By mastering both, you can choose the most appropriate voice to convey your message with clarity and precision. Whether you want to highlight the doer or the receiver of an action, these voices offer you the flexibility to express your ideas effectively. By becoming proficient in both active and passive voice, you’ll unlock the full potential of sentence transformation in your writing and communication.

See also  Punctuation marks

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